Please note that you can purchase all seven course modules as a bundle and a discount HERE.
You must complete Module One of the series before any other module. You can find module one HERE.
Maintaining Independence and Sobriety through Systems Integration, Outreach and Networking (MISSION) is an evidence-based, time-limited, yet flexible, integrated behavioral intervention. MISSION was developed specifically to meet the unique needs of individuals, with co-occurring mental health and substance use disorders (CODs), with versions available for homeless individuals, criminal justice-involved individuals, and military veterans.
Theoretically rooted in the Health Belief Model (HBM), MISSION combines several Evidence-Based Practices (EBP) into a comprehensive system of care to explore and address population specific factors (i.e., criminogenic factors in criminal justice populations), provide COD treatment, and link participants to community-based supports to sustain recovery.
This module reviews the five components of the MISSION Model of Care: 1) Critical Time Intervention (CTI); 2) Dual Recovery Therapy (DRT); 3) Peer Support (PS); 4) Vocational and Educational Support (VES); and 5) Trauma-Informed Care (TIC) in the context of delivering the MISSION Model of Care to fictionalized MISSION client, Darren.
Module Outline
Lesson One: Meet Darren
Lesson Two: Delivering Critical Time Intervention to Darren
Lesson Three: Delivering Dual Recovery Therapy to Darren
Lesson Four: Delivering Peer Support to Darren
Lesson Five: Delivering Vocational and Educational Supports to Darren
Lesson Six: Delivering Trauma-Informed Care to Darren
MISSION Resources Materials
MISSION U Training Modules
Course Length
Each module is approximately 120 minutes
Course Completion Requirements
In order to complete this course, participants must complete each module and successfully pass quizzes. Upon completion, Certificates will be available to print directly from the site.
Registration and Refund Policy
Your purchase is final. If you have questions please email [email protected] for assistance.
David Smelson, Psy.D. Ayorkor Gaba, Psy.D Jenifer Harter, Ph.D
The content for this course were developed by David Smelson, Psy.D., Jenifer Harter, Ph.D., and Ayorkor Gaba, Psy.D. This course also had a development team that included William McIlvane Ph.D., Joanne Kledaras, Charles Hamad Ph.D., Brooks Thompson, and Christophe Gerard. This work was supported by the following grants: NIH/NIAAA R41DA044030-01A1 and R42 AA026751-2 All of the work was done at the University of Massachusetts Chan Medical School and licensed to Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association.