Peer Support Services to Address the Health and Wellness of People Living with Serious Mental Health Challenges

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Instructor: Martha Barbone
Length: 60 Minutes
Opens: April 28, 2020
Closes: August 31, 2027



    Course Overview

    People with a serious mental health challenge get sick and die 15 years earlier than same-aged peers. One reason is a fragmented health system where limited resources are distributed across large geographic areas. Peer support specialists are persons in recovery who use their lived experience to enhance health services. They assist people in the hands-on tasks of making and accompanying people to appointments, so they are better engaged in care. Limitations in cultural competence undermine engagement in physical health care as well. Mortality for people with serious mental health challenge is even worse when they are of color or have low income. In addition to being people in recovery, peer support specialists are selected from the same ethnic group and communities as service participants. Their shared experience bridge interpersonal and instrumental barriers to accomplishing the health and wellness goals of service participants. This presentation will review the development and implementation of peer support services provided to persons with mental health challenges. Empirical evidence will be provided.

    This presentation will review 1) health and wellness among people with mental health challenges; 2) benefits of peer support services; 3) program development using community-based participatory research; 4) summary of PCORI outcome research on peer services; and 5 ) implementation for peer support services. Session participants will benefit by receiving practical guidelines on setting up these programs (including service manuals) and learning ways to engage policymakers in supporting these kinds of services.


    • PRA Individual Member: $35
    • PRA Organizational Member: $15 / employee
    • Nonmember: $55

    Target Audience

    Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners (CPRPs) and CPRP Candidates, Certified Child and Family Resiliency Practitioners (CFRPs) and CFRP Candidates, other persons with lived experience, family members, providers, and administrative staff.

    Difficulty Level


    Learning Objectives

    After completion of this educational activity, participants will be able to:

    • Explain health and wellness concerns for people with mental health challenges.
    • Recognize peer support services as an effective solution to address health needs for people with mental health challenges.
    • Use community based participatory research when approaching program development.
    • Discuss PCORI research on peer support services for people with mental health challenges.

    Instructor Bio

    Martha Barbone.  Martha received her BS and DVM from Colorado Sate University.  She is a mother of three and spent twelve years in the US Air Force before being sidelined by a diagnosis   of   depression and PTSD. After several years including multiple hospitalizations, medications and other treatments, she was introduced to peer support. This led to newfound hope and discovery of inner strength. She served as the director of the Certified Peer Specialist  (CPS) Training for Massachusetts for   four years. In addition to CPS training, Martha is a certified Wellness Recovery Action Plan (WRAP) facilitator, Alternatives to Suicide Facilitator, Hearing Voices Network facilitator, SAMHSA Recovery to Practice Next Steps facilitator and a Vet-to-Vet group facilitator. She also facilitates Alternatives to Violence workshops in several state prisons.  Martha is a member of the Recovery Advisory Board and the Veterans' Engagement Stakeholder Council   for   the VA Healthcare and Implementation Research (CHOIR) program. Martha has worked providing peer support in an inpatient unit and in a peer-run organization.  She currently is Director of Operations for the National Association of Peer Supporters (iNAPS). 

    Instructional Methods

    Lecture (PowerPoint + Audio) 

    Cancellation/Refund Policy

    All purchases are final.  If you believe you are eligible for a rate you do not see in the cart, DO NOT complete your purchase; instead, email [email protected] for assistance.  If you are unable to attend the live webinar, an on-demand version will be available approximately two weeks after the live event.  

    Registration Information

    Individual Registration: To register, click the link at the top left of this screen.  Follow the Purchase link to view the course in the PRA online store, add to cart, then proceed through the checkout process.  Once registered, you will receive both an emailed confirmation and a separate email with instructions on accessing the course.  

    Group Registration: When following the registration instructions above, you will be prompted to select individual or group registration.  Group registration will allow the purchasing user to select multiple individuals (linked to the same organization) to register.  All participants must be registered for the course to receive CE credit.  If any participant does not appear on the list of linked individuals, email [email protected] to have them linked to the organization, then proceed with registration.

    Special Needs Requests

    In compliance with ADA regulations, the Academy for Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery will make all reasonable efforts to ensure those with disabilities are given equal opportunity to participate in the activity.  Please submit any request for accommodation in detail via email to [email protected] at least 48 hours in advance.

    Course Completion Requirements

    On-Demand Course: In order to complete this course, participants must view the full recording (60 minutes), pass a post-test, and complete a course evaluation.  Upon completion of all requirements, CE certificates will be available to view/download/print directly from the site.

    Group Viewing (On-Demand Course): If a group of registered participants views the on-demand course together, they must each individually complete the post-test and course evaluation online before receiving CE Certificate(s).  Each participant must be separately registered for the course in order to receive credit for participating (multiple employees of the same organization can be registered at the same time using the group registration instructions above).

    Continuing Education Information

    Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners (CPRP)

    The Academy of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery, provider #1975, is approved by the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (PRA) to provide continuing education to Certified Psychiatric Rehabilitation Practitioners (CPRPs) and CPRP candidates.

    This activity is approved for a maximum of 1.0 contact hours of continuing education in psychiatric rehabilitation and recovery in the following domains: II: Professional Role, III: Community Integration, V: Strategies for Facilitating Recovery & Resiliency, and VII: Supporting Health and Wellness.  CPRPs and CPRP candidates should only claim credit commensurate with their participation in the activity.


    Certified Child and Family Resiliency Practitioners (CFRP)

    The Academy of Psychiatric Rehabilitation and Recovery, provider #1975, is approved by the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Association (PRA) to provide continuing education to Certified Child and Family Resiliency Practitioners (CFRPs) and CFRP candidates.

    This activity is approved for a maximum of 1.0 contact hours of continuing education in child and family resiliency and recovery in the following domains: II: Professional Role, III: Community Integration, V: Strategies for Facilitating Recovery & Resiliency, and VII: Supporting Health and Wellness.  CFRPs and CFRP candidates should only claim credit commensurate with their participation in the activity.